Sunday, December 11, 2011

Holiday Cheer

Well it's that time of the year again. This week's podcast is all about sharing some holiday cheer with you my children. I hope that each and everyone of you have a most wonderful holiday season and I'm wishing all of you many blessings for the new year! Enjoy!!!

Much Love & Peace,
The MoJo Goddess

Playlist: June - A Wonderful Christmas Time, Outcast - Hey Ya Santa, Jethro Tull - Solstice Bells, South Park - Christmastime In Hell, Bryan Adams - Reggae Christmas, Cheech & Chong - Santa Claus And His Old Lady, The Tea Party - Winter Solstice, Pearl Jam - Someday at Christmas, R.E.M. - Christmas Griping, Brother Cane - Let's Make Christmas Merry, Baby, Clarence Carter & BB King - Backdoor Santa

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